Help Desk & Monitoring
Our user help desk and 24/7/365 monitoring is the foundation that everything we do is built upon. Combined with our industry leading technology tools, these allow us to support not only your technology, but also your most valuable commodity: your people! In most cases, we will be alerted of potential concerns far before they ever have a chance to effect your workflow. Our Anti-Virus software and daily backups will protect your business and client data.
Alignment & Best Practices
Our alignment focuses on four key areas: Performance, Functionality, Risk, and Cost. Once we are able to determine your “grade” in these areas, we can apply our best practices, which are made up of industry standards as well as our own time-tested proven processes. Implementation of these best practices, along with our discipline to consistently re-check you alignment, is what allows us to achieve great results. It is not enough to just implement the best practices, there must be a dedication to uphold those best practices and alignment on a daily, weekly, and monthly basis to ensure optimal efficiency and productivity within your business.
Business Impact
We want you to understand how our alignment phase will have a positive impact on your business and your employees. This is one of the most important parts of our unique approach. What impact does technology have on your business? In what way will our alignment and best practices impact your business? We want you to understand how what we are doing in our Alignment phase will have a positive impact on your business and your employees. How will it increase productivity? How will it increase employee morale? How will it help create more time for your employees? What processes and workflows can we implement to automate tasks so that your customers have a better experience with your company? This is where we take your vison and your goals and tie them into TheCompuLab’s proven process.
Now it’s time to plan for what’s ahead. We will dive deeper into your company’s vision, goals, and areas that might need improvement. We will sit down with you and your team to devise a plan for the next 3, 6, 12 and 24 months. We will put together a step-by-step roadmap of how we are going to get you to where you need to be, and what the following results will look like for you. This is the part of the process where our vCIO (Virtual Chief Information Officer) Consulting really kicks into high gear.
We meet with the different departments in your company, understand their needs and daily responsibilities from the inside, then apply strategies to help improve performance. We will solidify our strategic partnership with you and your team.
Budget Planning
We have to talk money, budgets, and smart investing. Most of the elements that we discussed in the strategy portion will have no cost, some will. This is the time when we need to start building the budget for the next 3, 6, 12 and 24 months. Is there any equipment that needs to be upgraded? Are you looking to expand your employee base? Do you have plans of expanding operations into other territories? These all take a monetary investment in technology — which we have expertise in — that we have expertise in that will allow you to create an accurate budget forecast. No one likes surprises, especially unplanned expenses, so let’s plan to avoid them together.
This is where Performance, Functionality, Risk, Cost, Business Impact, Strategies and Budgets are all in place working as a cohesive unit to produce an efficient and optimized business. The results that you envisioned are now being realized and your business has a strong technology foundation to build upon. Uptime is the norm, employee morale and productivity is high, cyber security in impenetrable, and TheCompuLab is maintaining this 24/7/365. Your work/life balance is in place because the technology is in place.