
Do you know what benefits DaaS has?

Do you know what benefits DaaS has?


Desktop as a Service (DaaS) is a different type of cloud-based technology that always its users to access remote desktops from varies devices.
DaaS improves operactions, security and manages costs to help your business.

“DaaS allows you to enjoy the many benefits of desktop virtualization without having to acquire, build, and manage your own infrastructure.”


descarga (3)Cost Effective

“One of the key benefits of virtual desktops, compared to traditional workstations, is that DaaS can dramatically reduce the total cost ownership (TCO). According to an IDC white paper, desktop as a service can reduce hardware ‘Capital Expenditure (CAPEX)‘ by 56% annually and also reduce the ‘Operating Expenditure (OPEX)’ annually.”

DaaS creates a great sense of security, DaaS gives individual solutions to any situation.
When using DaaS it’s extremely difficult for 424782-cloud-computingviruses or malicious files to infiltrate through remote devices.

Employees have a freedom of working on their own devices; tablets, smartphones or computers.

“DaaS provides companies with a ready-made disaster recovery strategy to get their desktops up and running quickly after any disaster. Thus, with a virtual desktop, you are not only reducing the costs of managing IT, but you are expanding the reach of your organization by making your employees more mobile and responsive.”

  • Using DaaS certifies that your devices runs without any disruptions
  • Using DaaS increases productivity levels and a flexible workplace. 

daas (1)Everyday companies realize the benefits that DaaS an provide, many organizations have declared that using DaaS has reduced their IT management costs.
2014 was declared the year od DaaS, many companies swithed considering that their employess can access files, apps and serives on any device.

DaaS is mentioned to help small to medium size organizations giving users maximum flexability and better customized expirences. So if your company wants to cut cost, be more flexible and free mobility DaaS is your perfect Cloud service.
