
Are You Up-To-Date: Upgrading from Windows XP and Windows Server 2003

Are You Up-To-Date: Upgrading from Windows XP and Windows Server 2003

As we enter into another new year, 2015 will be sure to bring many technological changes and businesses will need to adapt. Like in 2014 with the ending of the extended support for Windows XP, July 2015 will bring the end of Windows Server 2003 support as well. What does this mean to business owners? It means now is the time to stop procrastinating and upgrade your servers & infrastructure. But do not worry or begin to feel overwhelmed, this process is not as bad as you may think!

Microsoft has made sure that their new line of servers (Windows 2012 R2) is compatible when it comes to migrating the applications over. Upgrading has it’s perks, many that should not be overlooked. These added features include integrated virtualization, enhanced security, amazing scalability, new and improved operational roles, and so much more! Of course there is always a learning curve with new technology; however, with the help of a Microsoft Partnered and well trained IT company like TheCompulab, it will be a seamless transition and you will be rewarded with better productivity, efficiency, and security.

Now I am not trying to scare anyone, but some of the issues to be aware of with not upgrading both Windows XP and Windows Server 2003 are:

1. You are at risk with security threats

2. Compliance issues

3. Lack of updates

4. Inability to take advantage of cloud options from Microsoft and other vendors

5. Elimination of Security fixes

So as you can see while you may be hesitant to upgrade due to cost, having to learn new technology, or whatever your reason may be, just keep in mind that the benefits of upgrading far out weigh the few reasons you come with for not.

For all of your upgrade questions and needs, contact your partners in IT TheCompulab
