
Posts by TheCompuLab

Virtual Desktop Infrastructure

desktop-virtualization-vdiImagine your on a beach, sun is shining, and you’re finishing up an important company document over a secure connection as if you were sitting in your office. Sounds like a pretty unbelievable work environment right? Welcome to the world of virtual desktop infrastructure.

Virtual desktop services or desktop as a service is a way for companies and employees to optimize its maintenance routines and workstation replication in a secure way. Virtual desktop services or infrastructure is a hosting workstation operating systems and applications on a server or in a data center. Companies and workers are able to access these virtualized operating systems and applications across many different devices including phones, tablets, laptops, etc. as long as the devices are able to log into the host server or data center (ie internet connection). These Virtual desktops are able to be accessed from by devices running on different operating systems as well, Android, Mac, Windows, etc.

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Managed IT Services and Healthcare

hipaa-101-what-does-hipaa-stand-forProbably more than any other industry, healthcare is heavily regulated, scrutinized, and always under the microscope. When it comes to technology and healthcare, the two go hand in hand. With the introduction of HIPAA (Health Insurance Portability and Accountability Act) and HITECH (Health Information Technology for Economic and Clinical Health Act) they way in which doctors offices, addiction treatment/rehab centers, hospitals, and all healthcare related sectors depend on technology has changed. A good Managed IT Service provider allows for these organizations to get cutting edge technology and compliance at an affordable price.

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Are You Up-To-Date: Upgrading from Windows XP and Windows Server 2003

As we enter into another new year, 2015 will be sure to bring many technological changes and businesses will need to adapt. Like in 2014 with the ending of the extended support for Windows XP, July 2015 will bring the end of Windows Server 2003 support as well. What does this mean to business owners? It means now is the time to stop procrastinating and upgrade your servers & infrastructure. But do not worry or begin to feel overwhelmed, this process is not as bad as you may think!

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What is Microsoft Lync and How Can it Help My Business Grow?

Are you looking for a great way to communicate throughout your organization? Looking to collaborate on projects with clients and others outside your company? Microsoft Lync is your platform to help you streamline this and so much more. Lync unifies your instant messaging, video conferencing, file sharing capabilities, phone system, and smartphones .The many added gadgets built in it helps you get more out of everything you do! With all the different ways we have to communicate with a person, whether it is a colleague or friend, miscommunication is going to happen, Lync is your tool to minimize this and to start communicating faster, more streamlined, and easier which will lead to more productivity and better use of time!

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Cloud and Managed IT’s Growing Relationship 2015

By now, most of us have heard of the cloud and managed IT services. Not everyone understands them or even knows how they are intertwined. Managed services are like a starting point in transitioning to the cloud, but as businesses look to take advantage of the many benefits of utilizing cloud and managed services (ie grow their businesses and bottom lines), they have to realize that this is not going to happen on its own.

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