
Improve Your Business With Office 365 Forms

Improve Your Business With Office 365 Forms

Forms are a very common business practice for many organization, both SMBs and Enterprises. Forms can facilitate collecting data, save time, reduce mistakes and helps in creating a systematic recording of information. The problem is that they are not easy to create and once the data is collected, it is not easy to analyze.

Office 365 Forms is an easy-to-use tool that helps businesses create surveys, quizzes and polls and see results as they become available.

You can create forms in minutes, send and collect data and use their built-in analytics to evaluate responses. Forms can be private (only internal users with an Office 365 account) or public. Once the form is crated, it can be embedded in your website or simply sent in an email with a link; it even gives you the option to generate a QR code. Forms are also mobile friendly, so they can be filled out from mobile devices as well.

Office 365 Forms also gives you the option to collaborate and share this form with colleagues so that they can also make changes to the forms or use them as templates.

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