
Tips for corporate culture according to Forbes

Tips for corporate culture according to Forbes


characteristics-good-company-cultureWhether your part of a company as an employee, a client, or the owner, having a good environment can benefit everyone. Company feedback will show how much a company is valued and ways that a company can grow and improve. Another important aspect that benefits everyone in the company is a curious one, embracing failure. It is explained that most employees live in fear, they fear their bosses, they fear doing their work wrong, and this creates bad results in a company. Embracing failure eliminated the element of fear and creates a feeling of being able to innovate and share with the company. Improving corporate culture in your company can bring amazing benefits.

Some tips to improve your corporate culture according to Forbes are:

1. Do not be careless about the culture you create:“I am as deliberate about culture as I am product development, HR law, and client relations,” said Mirshahzadeh. “We cultivate a culture of recognition and gratitude amongst employees.”

Business-Plan-Strategy-PaperworkDarius Mirshahzadeh is the president and Co-founder of Bay area-based Endeavor American Loan Services (EA LOANS). He mentions that even though his company is old school his way of hiring and keeping down turnovers is his company’s culture. In Forbes Magazine they mention that Darius and Mike Mirshahzadeh, his co-founder and brother, spent absolutely no money in recruiting or training new personnel. Not being indifferent with your employees and understanding their work, personal needs, and motivating can keep your employees happy and loyal to your company.

2. Finding tools that motivate employees:Rewarding is the most ancient method of motivation, but to this day it is the most efficient. As mentioned before EA Loans has an excellent rate of employee satisfaction. In this article they mention tools that can be very helpful to your company. YouEarnedIt is an app created to reward and motivate your workers, “It’s a social network for your team”. If this app is used in the right way your employees receive points that can be exchanged for days off, gift cards, or donations to charities.

Word Cloud "Motivation"3. Design teams that embrace the best of both worlds:Motivating clients is as important as motiving employees. If your company has an excellent turnover rate that means they are willing to stay with your company in the good times and bad times. The same goes for clients, if there is client satisfaction and loyalty. They will prefer to always choose your company before choosing another when times get rough.

4. “FUN”:The word FUN didn’t show up only in Forbes but also everywhere when researching workplace culture. Having a mixed culture of work and play creates a freedom and a sense of happiness that not everything in your everyday life is just work, work and more work. Some companies like Google, Facebook and HomeAdvisor have rooms just dedicated to games and relaxation activities.

As mentioned in Forbes, HomeAdvisor also motivates and incorporates home town activities such as; bike rides and rock climbing or more comfortable and casual to better the relationships between each worker.Understanding that workplace culture is abut treating your employee’s right, giving those that deserve the best, well the absolute best, and helping those that need a little more motivation. This brings great benefits to your company, eliminating that element of fear is one of the biggest tips of all. Something that is very true is that you as an owner or employee never stops learning, about new methods or improving the company.

Let us know what some tips you also advice or problems you may have had.
